Thursday, June 26, 2008

Of Names & Titles

Well, why the title indeed.
It is quite simple, it is me in my full phases, waxing & waning.

Garrett being the area of my life that is normal, that is what I am and what you see. It is the mundane, the calmed, the typical of my existence.

Moony being the what I wish to be. It is the powerful and the fantastical. The me that I wish I was, the me that I wish I could be. It owes it's title to Lupin, and does imply my dual nature as well. The caring, unassuming man within me and the angry beast that lies under fathoms like the leviathan of Melville's deep.

And the
n JackMouth, the me that is ridiculous. In an ignorant, playful manner, and yet also a diabolical way, it is the stupid of my intellect, the anger of my mind, and even the humor of my personality. And in truth, a creation of my own dumb mouth.

In total, the names and titles are simple - they are the war of my inner being. Both my sinful and natural man, and my redeemed, grace-drenched spirit who is yet but trapped by this world of physicality and flesh. For a more clear picture, see the masterpieces of Robert Louis Stevenson & Mary Shelley. Or simply read the words of Moses, David, Paul, Augustine, Lewis or Manning. It is not an original thought, just my attempt to represent the existence I perceive and experience.

In the end, jackmouth is my silly and pain full side of true life; moony is my desire for something more and powerful; and, garrett is just simply me - the identity I claim and cling to here on this earth, because it is all I know.

Welcome to it ramblings, proclamations, thoughts, fears, faiths, and soapboxes. I hope you enjoy some of it. I hope you cringe at some of it. And most of all, I hope it makes you think, reflect, laugh, and search. For the search is all we have until the ultimate adventure takes us home...