Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Loss For Words

Sorry to all of you that I haven't blogged in a while. Not that you care. :)

I have been overwhelmed by a ton of travel and work recently. (My big, long break is coming though, and this page may be updated a ton very soon.) Plus, I am desperately trying not to do another political blog. It is unbelievable what I, and all of you, are witnessing in this election season. It could indeed be monumental in the history of our storied nation. I have talked about this idiocy every single day with my clients, which has never happened before - a solitary topic has captivated every account everywhere, Midwest & New England. Encouragement is my duty right now it seems. Everyone is scared, distraught, angry, and discouraged. And, frankly, I want so badly to let loose more of my vitriol onto this blog, but I have done enough of that lately. Couple that with what I am reading right now - Shirer's The Rise & Fall Of The Third Reich - the similarities & trends that I am observing are disturbing, spooky, and down right terrifying. Not exactly the same by any means, but eerily similar. I guess I'll have to leave it up to the rest of my fellow countrymen next week. That idea scares the crap out of me, too...but it is all we have. And of course prayer. Mercy or judgment...it is coming.

Anyway, thought I would say hello.
Keep your heads up...it ain't over till it's over...and it ain't over.

PSA - Keep your TV's on OFF tomorrow night from 7-8PM (CST). Don't support this absolute travesty and abuse of power & money. Oh, and I hope it all backfires. And as for Obamapalooza in Chi-Town...my daddy taught me not to gloat until the game was over, until the chickens hatched, until the trophy was in the Yankees' hands. I guess they don't teach that truth in Kenya.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Still Relevant, Still Truth

I heard this quote the other day. It is amazing and so applicable, I thought I would share. Please remind anyone you know this is true. I am not overstating it, we are in serious times, and time is running out. We are on the precipice of losing our capitalism, our way of life, and our country. That means everything you hold dear, from security to freedom of speech to freedom of faith to health care choice to job choice, dies next.

"The nine most terrifying words in the English language are: 'I'm from the government and I'm here to help.'"
President Ronald Reagan

hello? hello? hello? hello? hello!

It Used To Matter

I remember a time, not so long ago, that this statement had some credibility - it had some meaning, some truth.

"A man is known by the company he keeps."

A man's relations, friends, and supporters are all that we can see to judge his character - and if not his character, at least his ability to judge others' character and make proper decisions.

People, Americans, anyone with an intellect - WAKE UP !!!!!

Barry Obama & Jeremiah Wright

Barry Obama & Odinga
Barry Obama & Bill Ayers
Barry Obama & Jeremiah Wright
Barry Obama & Antoin Rezko

Barry Obama & ACORN

These are just from a little guy from Missouri doing a little internet digging. All original source, nearly all from mainstream media (incl. ABC, CNN & MSNBC). It's all there, you just have to look & listen.

You just have to consider if a man's associates & judgment of character truly matter when he is applying for the most powerful job in the world.


Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Source

My stomach is reeling after a week of obsessively watching election coverage. I can't believe what is happening before our very eyes. Most people are worried about their money - about the stock exchanges complete plummet and abysmal credit situations. But, I am not worried about that. I find myself comfortable with economic woes as I know it will get better. This is the nature of a capitalistic system: ups and downs, losses and gains. It's natural, normal, and corrective. But, the scary aspect now - it seems the solutions being used by our government and endorsed by our majority public are socialistic in nature. Bailouts & more entitlements: we haven't learned. We don't want anyone, no matter how guilty they are, to pay for their mistakes and irresponsibility. I say let them fail, let them hang in their self-created noose (yes, even the general public), because sometimes punishment & consequences are the only real way we learn our lessons well. Been there. See, I'm not worried about the economics because I am responsible, and most of those I love are as well. We will lose for awhile, but soon we will be just fine.

My biggest worry, as you can tell from my last post, is the seismic shift I see in our governmental (& economic) philosophy. We are kissing capitalism goodbye; we are dismissing the idea of government by the people for the people and welcoming government by government for government's sake; and we are scorning our principles of liberty & freedom. Our pursuit of happiness is being replaced with the guarantee of goodies for all, at what cost? You earn what you have in this world - it is not handed to you by the all-powerful government. In part, we used to believe in effort because it weeded out the bad and encouraged the good. We also passionately defended the effort, the pursuit in order to secure an individualism, not a government figure. You see, the result of the government growing and expanding and guaranteeing is simple - rule by the government. And when that bloated government has a leader that finally decides he's had enough of his constraints, what little are left, well then he takes over. The government becomes all-encompassing, all-powerful, all-judging, and it deems the reality of our lives. This is why I contend socialism always leads to communism/fascism. They will expand now, and take over later. It seems equal and beautiful and fair in the beginning. But in the end, the historic record shows it always leads to misery.

So that is the heavy burden on my head, and many others. The junk that I can't get over at night when I lay down to sleep. My anxiety is a constant battle, and these types of situations sure don't help. But this week I have been confronted by the still, small Voice within. It has been whispering in the night, and ending the sentences of complaint during the day. It goes something like this lately:

Who is your Source? Who is your Provision? From whence does your Freedom come? Your concern is valid and your fight is noble, but do not forget your Bedrock. Do not lose site of your Battlements. Remember your High Tower and your Fortress. He sustains. He protects. He makes the worries of the world fall away by the breeze of Hope. He secures you in an embrace of Freedom. He is the Grace of each day and evermore. He is the King of the universe, everlasting, not just lifetime-long. The Sacrifice of the Son is the purchase of our Freedom. Remember your Source. Father is your Source.

Well okay then. I see how it goes. I can process that resolution. I can comprehend that idea. I can even believe it from an intellectual perspective. But the question is do I truly believe it? Does it really resonate into my very being, you know the stuff that is eternity-bound?

Frankly, I'm not sure. All I know is that I am working on it. I am pounding it in my stupid little head, and I am repeating it for perfection. I'm working out yet another part of my salvation. And the work is not easy in this world we call home. It's not really even that fun. But it is fundamental. And, when it sinks in just a wee bit - it is perspective shifting, hope-inducing, life-altering stuff.

So if the headlines are getting you down; if the news doesn't bother you but the minor tragedies of your everyday life do; if the world is crouching at your back to pounce; or if you are simply tired of the walk, take this as a reminder, (God knows I need it often):

He is the Source. Rely on the Source. Depend on the Source. There is no independence from the Source that doesn't result in death. Delve in to Him. Settle in and relax; there is nothing without a source, and Father is the Origin of us all & the Provider of the fabric of life. If the Source is for you & loves you, what can come against you and prevail? Nothing. Take heart & bear down in the Fortress of His Love & Resolve. Revel in the Source. Hope in the Source. Be still and know...the Source.

Interesting how it all works sometimes. I wrote the above yesterday, and this morning, this is the music I was welcomed with at New Life, "Rescue Me" by Jared Anderson:
You are the source of life
I can't be left behind
No one else will do
I will take hold of You
Hmmm...interesting & compelling. Thanks for the nod up there.