AH YES!! Finally, a movie to be excited about this summer, and for good reason. If you haven't seen it yet, you must...The Dark Knight is amazing. One of the best films I have seen in quite some time (with respect to No Country For Old Men). (Notice I said "films", not movies - this is more than just an entertaining popcorn movie.) I say finally, because finally, someone has nailed the Dark Knight, the Batman of the comic world. Batman Begins was, in my opinion, the best comic book movie ever - but now, it has been upset by its very own sequel. Christopher Nolan is a masterful director (see Memento or Insomnia), but more importantly, he and his brother (Jonathan) are even better storytellers. They did not ruin the dark tales of the graphic novels by making it happy or goofy, and they kept the mood intense and realistic. As one review put it, this was a crime film (ie, Heat, The Deaprted, etc.) that just happened to be placed in the world of Batman. Also, they kept out the extreme CGI - my heroes! I am so tired of CGI at this point, I could puke. Yeah, I know there is a little in there (including one side of the coin), but overall, they avoided it and kept it real by doing so. Harvey Dent was perfectly cast, and again Bruce, Alfred, & Fox continued their perfection in the roles. The camera work, lighting, and set design continued the real world feel of the first flick. And the subtle messages regarding terror, human morality and violence were communicated wonderfully.
But with all of that said, there is one more reason for the legit hype...The Joker.
The Joker is as he has always been in the comics - purely evil, maniacal, unkillable, unpredictable, socio-pathic bliss - and my favorite. The opening scene (a spectacular robbery), sets his stage and The Joker delivers. Within thirty minutes of the film, I knew he was the greatest movie villain of all time (with respect to Vader & Lecter). And no, this is not hype because of Heath Ledger's death. Quite the contrary for me - I never really liked most of his movies. But he is unrecognizable in this role. His voices, his laugh, his ticks, his movements - perfect Joker. The character probably bothers some & makes them nervously uncomfortable; but for me, it is the best that has ever been played. Jack Nicholson should cry over his pathetic attempt by comparison. My favorite scenes in The Dark Knight all include The Joker, and most are because of him. Just as example, the tape of him in the meat locker with a Batman wannabe - absolutely bone-chilling voice changes - ridiculously eerie. Wow, if only he could revise this role in the near future...so sad. What a talent he showed himself to be.
So, if you have time, go see it. Go see it twice like Ashley and I. Go see The Dark Knight wherever and whenever. It is well worth it. Now I just can't wait to see what Nolan pulls out of his hat for the next installment...I am hopeful it will be superb.
I agree that Dark Night was a great movie. Here are my complaints...I thought 2 face looked cheesy (Ryan disagrees, but still...). I thought Rachel was not attractive. If you are going to cast a leading lady like that - make her cute, not slouchy and lacking in muscle tone. BUT - the movie made up for it by just being good. I am still a fan of Batman Begins though...I may like it best.
I agree. The Dark Knight was superb film making. Batman as it should be - dark, gritty, and real. Hands down the best Joker ever. I thought Dent/Two Face was brilliant. I too was a little displeased with Rachel (I'm glad they killed her off). Overall, a perfect companion to Batman Begins. Nolan continues to impress me with his talents.
Fred and I went and saw Dark Knight last week. It was an awesome movie! I hated the joker, so that means Heath Ledger did an outstanding job with his characterization of the villain - by far one of the best acting jobs I've ever seen. It saddens me that he was not able to enjoy the reactions of the people who saw the movie. I kind of got tired of Batman's voice by the end of the whole thing; but I absolutely loved the way the two ferry boat scenes turned out. What an outstanding movie - go see it!
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