Music is a gift, and it is a major component of my life. This is the list that impacted me most this past calendar year...and what's the most impactful, inspiring, and my winner of the top spot?

#1 - Only By The Night ~ Kings of Leon
I have never listened to this band much. Never thought much of what I had heard. But this album is flat-out, no question AMAZING! It is the best album of the year for me, (although in all honesty the top 5 that I list here could have won this top spot - the year was THAT good). The first song draws you in, the guitars are haunting throughout, and Caleb Followill's vocals are absolutely perfect. His voice is rich, rough, and combines with striking guitar work to create a clarion-call siren. I would give you tracks to highlight the album, but in all truth, the entire cd is just ridiculously good. It beat out some tough competition by my measure simply because I couldn't stop listening to it. It's addictive and overpowering and never seems to lose it's boost. I would have never imagined Kings Of Leon even making one of my lists, but this is a five star album that won't leave my ipod rotation for a long time.
#1 - Only By The Night ~ Kings of Leon

I know this cd is on everyone's list and they are very trendy. But wowser, what a debut! They are chippy, punky, short, to-the-point, and have phenomenal hooks. This could easily be in the top spot, but you can only have one. The highlights are easy: Mansford Roof, Walcott, A-Punk, Oxford Comma. They're all good, but those are my favs.

All I need to say is that this band is one of my favorites; they really have done no wrong by me. They have a unique musical sound, infusing hooks, trippy melodies, and orchestration, all with the haunting, one-of-a-kind, near-monotone lead vocals. This is their best overall album, although their last was wonderful, too. Take a listen to The Bones of You, An Audience With The Pope, Weather To Fly, and my vote for the best song of the year, Grounds for Divorce. (Go back and listen to everything they have made - incredible. And if you don't believe me, Chris Martin of Coldplay rates them as the best in the world.)

Nada Surf is another long-standing favorite band of mine. They have perfect vocals, acoustic guitars, and harmonies. And their lastest effort does not disappoint. I could not stop listening to this cd at the beginning of the year, and maybe only that elapsed time kept them out of my top three. Check out See These Bones, Whose Authority, Weightless, and I Like What You Say...but they're all good.

It is superb. It is different and expansive. It is a soundscape of atmospehere. It contains near perfect tracks. But, overall, it is not their best. I still like all three of their previous efforts better, yet this is still a spectacular album. I think I am just a little harder on them because they are so high on my favorites list. (And maybe because I am sick of Chris Martin's liberal, Obama-laced rants lately.) [As a note, Prospekt's March EP is good too & deepens the value of this cd, minus the ignorant Jay-Z track.]
#6 - Consolers Of The Lonely ~ The Raconteurs
Searing guitars, harmonies reminiscent of Paul McCartney & Phil Keaggy, and songs that simply rock like the blues.
#7 - Konk ~ The Kooks
They are moving up my list of favorite bands. Every song is good, and even the bonus disc RAK is worth owning. Still not sure it tops their freshman effort.
#8 - Pull The Pin ~ Stereophonics
This is a late entry to the year (as I got it for Christmas) but it is truly incredible. It has crunchy, deafening guitars, and presents their most complete album ever.
#9 - Narrow Stairs ~ Death Cab For Cutie
A mainstay on my ipod, the songs are just darn good. And, his voice is just sweet. Two words of advice though - Plans was a better album, and don't watch them live: singer moves like a robot.
#10 - Dig Out Your Soul ~ Oasis
They are a top five all-time band for my taste. The Gallagher boys are at it again after all of this time. This one is still not quite as good as Don't Believe The Truth but I still love them - forever.
#11 - A Hundred Million Suns ~ Snow Patrol
#12 - Modern Guilt ~ Beck
#13 - The Slip ~ nine inch nails
#14 - Flock ~ Bell X1
#15 - Ode To J. Smith ~ Travis
Noteable mentions: Death Magnetic by Metallica, Low vs. Diamond by Low vs. Diamond, Off With Their Heads by Kaiser Chiefs, Day & Age by The Killers, Perfect Symmetry by Keane, Forth by The Verve, and new-comers Glasvegas by Glasvegas
Disappointment of the Year: Way To Normal by Ben Folds (come on dude, you are better than that crap!) AND...where have all the great hard, heavy bands gone? I need some more Tool or something, please.
Best Band You Have Probably Never Heard Of: They are mentioned above in the top 3 - ELBOW. Unlike the UK & Europe, America has barely even heard of them. Sad. They are grow-on-you awesome.
Last Year's Winner: In an huge upset of In Rainbows by Radiohead it would have to be, by an edge...We Were Dead Before The Ship Even Sank by Modest Mouse
I definitely agree with kings of Leon being number one and the kooks album is awesome. Slipknot released an album that was great so check that out too.
Ryan, it does me good to get some musical insight out of you again. THANK YOU for mentioning Elbow and their superb creativity. Seldom Seen Kid is one of the best albums in a long time in my opinion. I suppose I need to give Kings of Leon a listen - when they opened for U2 they were beyond deplorable and I've had no interest since. And amen for some more Tool...
Phil...thanks for comment, but wow Slipknot? I cannot deal with their vocals, or lack there of.
Joe...yeah, that was my thoughts on Kings as well, but this album is truly awesome. Give it a shot. Ah, and Elbow they are my cause right now.
haha, i said amen and tool in reference to each other. cool.
Joe - give Kings of Leon a shot (at least this album)! I think they are my number 1 this year too. We are pretty much in agreement with the list with the exception of moving a few around (and deleting Beck all together...not overly impressed.) And can I say...Slipknot?? Are they not the band that dresses like crazy serial killers on steroids?? I know that appearances don't bother my husband much...but not sure I could get past that...even if I did have on earplugs to block out the vocals.
Ryan, Thanks for a good review of some music. I will have to try Kings Of Leon again. I greatly disliked Aha Shake Heartbreak and their performance at the U2 show. They seemed sophomoric at best, at the time. I still need to get the Elbow release. Joe tuned me on to them and I have enjoyed them online. I agree about Death Cab. The only release of theirs I own is Plans. I'm bummed about Ben Folds, He is usually very good. I will have to check out some of the others.
I am glad I didn't hear them open for U2! Ryan, you know your top 2 are my top 2 for SURE! Then, I would have to say a lot of what you mentioned I like also...i'm just not sure in that order. BTW- I like a few songs of Ben Folds that I did download, but I couldn't do the whole album for the reasons you mentioned. You did leave off Snow Patrol, which you realized and think they should be on there. I would also like to add a few that I have really enjoyed this year...Low vs. Diamond, Weezer, Carolina Liar, Phantom Planet and MGMT(technically 2007..released in Dec). At least they deserve an honorable mention.
Well I have been watching to see if you were going to finally post this list after we talked about it while you were here. I am glad you finally put this together. It gives me some good stuff to go listen too.
UPDATED - When I got home to my iTunes 2008 list, I realized I forgot two albums. Snow Patrol's new one was a return to early form, and Low vs. Diamond deserved a mention as a nice first album effort. Plus, I added my top spot winner for last year. Shocker. Thanks for the comments & discussion...bring on more.
To Sarah: This is a 2008 list, not 2007 and I still haven't purchased MGMNT...but I will.
I've only heard of like, 4 of those... Now I am very curious and shall go use the Google.
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