Honest to goodness, the Obama-ites and the Liberal Communists are terrifying me. I don't know what to pragmatically do, but we have to do something. With the passage of the recent bill, we are looking at the following:
- socialized medicine (it is there, hidden in COBRA extension, Medicare extension, and government right of refusal on life-extending care to the elderly) 2 3
- further socialized education systems (more money coming in from Washington means more control; plus we have horrible schools and they have been running it for years) 4
- more and more and more welfare (handouts galore, even more than under Clinton) 5
- pork barrel projects ranging from treatments for STD's 6, billions for "global warming research", abortion/planned parenthood funding 7, enviro-friendly golf carts 8, and oh yes, more money for the modern Brown Shirts SA, ACORN 9 10
- spending in public works projects that create work, not jobs (the difference - work goes to bidders and does not necessitate new jobs) 11
- proposed tax rebates to individuals who do not even pay taxes in the first place
- the stripping of Second Amendment rights 12(heavily taxing ammuintion and naming of common hunting areas as "national parks" which are gun-free zones)
- and the scariest factor, the centralization of Census operations under White House control 13 (this is terrifying as census results dictate voter districts and can easily be manipulated for political gain; it was always to be a non-political process, now A SINGLE POLITICAL PARTY can control our voting rights)
We are heading for a one party system, no checks and balances, a rampant Presidential control, and government dictation on issues from radio talk show subject matter (Fairness Doctrine 14) to medical care authorization to enviro-nazi policies that limit industry, trade, and transportation. This isn't just socialism taking over, it is utter corruption.
And mark my words, this is the new plan: FEAR.
Listen to the rhetoric. According to the chosen one 15, we are in a time of near catastrophe, depression is on our doorstep, and it is worse than ever. All of this is UNTRUE 16, but the plan is clear. And, the media is in love & in cahoots 17. The Demo-Commies know their bill will fail to relieve and will cause further misery (just look at the failed plans of FDR & Jimmy Carter). And they have a long term goal: MORE & HIGHER TAXES. Our deficit will sky-rocket 18 with their spending and Obama will then claim national emergency and demand the need for higher taxes. And it won't WORK...we know what works and this will not. 19
They are coming for everything you have: your money, your guns, your voice of free speech, your freedom, your liberty. They're coming and there isn't a damn thing we can do about it right now.
EXCEPT, pray & speak out & inform others & act when you can. Do it please. Do it for our freedom. Do it for our present. Do it for our children's future.
PS: There is also a wolf lurking in the woods to pounce our prone, weakened form...beware Islam. Europe knows, Asia knows; our time is coming. 20
Wow. You are totally turning political activist. Well, I guess you just need to make your voice heard. Tell it to us - and if you can to people who matter.
Agree, agree, agree! One thing I plan to do is return my stimulus check. I am also encouraging people not to do what the government is trying to force down our throats: simply don't take their money! As Americans, we can figure out in our own towns, neighborhoods, etc., how to help each other. If we don't, we'll be sending ourselves and everyone else down the tubes. And, of course, vote these clowns out! I don't know if we can actually get any city in America to return their portion of the stimulus, but it can't hurt to suggest it, can it? And of course - PRAY PRAY PRAY.
But Cindy, they are clever...my understanding now is that there will be no stimulus check but rather it will be a credit to your weekly check ($13 a week on average). Not sure we can reject that one. Then again as a self-employed individual, I will not be getting this credit. YEA!
Yeah, I wrote my comment before I found out about the paltry amount people will be getting weekly. Woo-hoo! Then I watched a snippet of a Michelle Obama interview last year during campaign season about Bush's $600 stimulus. her comment was, "What can you do with $600?" Also, all of the upcoming taxes that will be imposed on us in the form of cigarette taxes, gas taxes, cap and trade (which will subsequently increase the cost of everything we use practically), will sure eat up that $13 a week! I'm sure there are some, though, who are ecstatic that Obama is giving them something - anything. . . Sad but true, I'm afraid. Just have to lay it all at the feet of Jesus and look for ways to advance His kingdom until it's time to go home! Love you Ry-Ry Gar-Gar.
when are we getting another installment of this???
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